There are many creative methods to earn an income from land, even when vacant. These days, many people find that buying land at below market value then reselling it at a higher purchase price can prove a lucrative business. Another option is buying vacant land in an area poised to grow then holding the land for a while until property values increase is also a great way to earn income. That said, before jumping into land investing, it’s important to know what qualities will make a piece of vacant land profitable. In this post we look at 5 Features of Arizona Land That Make It Good Investment.
1) Location
Over and above the other features of Arizona land that will prove to make buying a good investment is the actual location. While a piece of land may seem appealing in the short term, the long term outlook for the area can significantly increase or decrease your investment value. For this reason, given the specific use for your land, you will want to review overall growth plans in areas such as public parks and schools. Other changes, such as the convenience of retail and planned developments, all provide added demand for your investment property, which builds your equity.
2) Features
The physical features of Arizona land that will prove to make buying a good investment are size, shape, and environmental conditions. This evaluation should include the size of the lot and the actual shape formed by the boundaries, ensuring the property will be of use for your intended purpose. Additionally, it is vitally essential to understand the topography of the land. For example, if the tract of land happens to be on the side of a steep mountain, it may not be suitable for future builds. Likewise, there may be an odd angle that prevents the footprint of your dream home from meeting your needs. Another reason to do your homework well is that seeing is not always believing. For instance, land that may appear beautiful and dry to you now could be in an area known for flooding during specific seasons of the year.
3) Access
Access to reach your land by roadway is a necessary feature of Arizona land that will prove to make buying a good investment. While it may be difficult to believe, there are landlocked pieces. In other words, access may only be gained by entry through another person’s property. You could find yourself in a contentious situation. Very commonly, these legal issues require payment for the right to access your land. This crucial detail is not something to be overlooked as you seek out the perfect piece of property. Frequently, these parcels are offered at a fantastic bargain, and may the buyer beware. Remember, access must also be available for modern life conveniences, such as water, power, and internet services.
4) Neighbors
Good neighbors can make all the difference in the enjoyment of your investment, no matter what your end purpose for the land may be. Increased value rests in this feature of Arizona land that will prove to make buying a good investment. Without the right neighbors, dwelling on the land or making use of it for income purposes can quite literally become a nightmare. An illustration of this would be purchasing land for outdoor activities such as running a campground, only to learn that your neighbor is a recycling plant for waste materials.
5) Zoning
Achieving success with any business plan means that every aspect of the investment is preplanned. Zoning is an additional feature of Arizona land that will prove to make buying a good investment. Carefully preplanning your desired use and doing your research will guide you to the right type of property. You can significantly lower the odds of resistance from zoning enforcement by doing your homework on local ordinances or hiring a professional to assist you. Keep in mind environmental concerns such as protected species that may prevent building on the land as well. By careful investigation and a keen awareness of nearby zoning and upcoming plans for the area, you can avoid confrontations and legal expenses faced by less-informed investors.